katrien baetsle

Prop making



Produced by Wouter Deltour, Jan Sobrie and Muziektheater Transparant, co- produced by Opera Ballet Vlaanderen and Perpodium. With the support of Tax Shelter from the Belgian federal government.

Concept : Wouter Deltour / Jan Sobrie

Text + directed by Jan Sobrie

Music : Franz Schubert / Wouter Deltour / Oriana Ikomo

Performers : Eurudike De Beul / Oriana Ikomo / Lara Chedraoui / Wouter Deltour / Jeanne Van Thienen. On film : Viviane De Muynck

Image : Peter Monsaert. Light design : Peter Quasters.

Scenography : Giovanni Vanhoenacker. Costumes : Marij De Brabandere.